Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bangladesh Factory Collapse: Sweatshop Labor Can (and Does) Happen Here, Too

Dov Charney is the modern-day, snarky, fashion version of Upton Sinclair, staging attacks against the unfair working conditions many garment factories force upon their workers.

Read the entire article here:

#MyGirlfriendNotAllowedTo: Trending Twitter Hashtag Promotes Violence Against Women, Even Though It's Tongue-and-Cheek

It seems that it is commonly understood in the Twitterverse that hashtag #MyGirlfriendNotAllowedTo is simply one big gag, a mockery of overprotective and controlling boyfriends who really do place strict limits on their girlfriend’s behavior. But #MyGirlfriendNotAllowedTo turns domestic abuse and controlling behavior into one big joke, which really isn’t all that funny:

Read the entire article here: